Backstory: In my ultimate creativity, I decided to dress as Sadness from Inside Out one year for Halloween (see kids, a long long time ago, we didn't even think of putting the word "sexy" before our costume. I'll leave "Sexy Sadness" to Lana Del Rey). As per usual, very few people knew what I was trying to be, but that's neither here nor there. I had the wig, the glasses, pants of a similar ilk. All that was missing was the right sweater (or in this case, the wrong sweater. On so many levels).
I should have realized that anybody who chooses to wear a grey, shapeless sweater when she's feeling blue (like her hair--just got that symbolism), hits probably a little too close to home. Those of us who use sweaters like mood rings will have no trouble understanding her plight--the choice of sweater can say so much about how one is feeling. I might even go so far as to say that it can impact that emotion. Again, why would I want a sweater that represented a character who was perennially upset? Perhaps there's comfort in knitwear that understands and isn't trying to tell the world anything other than, "I'm having a day. Tread lightly."
When salespeople attempted to help me, I avoided saying, "I am looking for the most depressing grey sweater that I can find." I convinced myself that I would love a good cozy grey sweater for those random days in which my mood was so good that nothing, not even a shapeless poncho-esque open knit from Loft could kill my vibes.
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Sadness Couture |

Usually, I save my opinions for after I've written the blog. Often, I wait even longer than that. But in the case of this sweater, I thought that this was a slam dunk. I'd hate it, show off a few poncho-related puns, and off it would go to a loving home. This sweater was truly a straw man (and not the kind without a brain either). The world would know that I'd changed when I ditched the very first sweater of this blog reboot.
Except that a funny thing happened on the way to the donation pile...I actually sort of liked this sweater. And not even in an "Well, if I have the right high-waisted pants" kind of way. I looked in the mirror and didn't recoil in horror. I've been lumping this sweater together with all of the other also-rans from Ann Taylor Loft unnecessarily. On the right person, it might even be, dare I say it, somewhat sporty? To compound the issue, my Mom took one look at me in this sweater and said, "Is that new?" Often, that is code for "I hope you still have the receipt," but she followed up with, "It's cute." Cute? A sweater I wore to be sadness personified? I liked this sweater a whole lot better when I hated it.
Back in the blog's heyday, I would keep my coat on at work as long as I could, so as to hide the offending sweater from sensitive eyes. And while I wasn't ready to say, "Look at me, world. I'm wearing an outdated sweater and I don't care who knows it," I felt no shame in keeping it on all day--and even around people who weren't family members. The trouble will really surface, however, when I locate its (fraternal) twin--a lovely duplicate, but in pine green. Is this really a look that I need in two colors? Time (and a good reorganizing of some storage bins) will tell. Until then, however, I have an unexpected friend in the sweater formerly known as Sadness.
Like Dewey Defeating Truman before it, this poncho-sweater hybrid had a rating even before I put it on today. I'm sure I can use that review on another sweater in the future, but for today, I'm going to have make some adjustments.

Is Herry anybody's favorite Muppet from Sesame Street? Can anyone actually name a skit in which Herry was a featured performer? Probably not, but that doesn't mean that, like this sweater, Herry doesn't get the proverbial job done. No fanfare, absolutely zero promotional merchandise, and very little excitement to surround a swing-style grey open-knit sweater or a blue Muppet that is neither Cookie nor Grover, but let us not allow that to diminish its worth. There is room in this world (if not my closet) for supporting players, be they grey sweaters or blue Muppets.
Verdict--keep. Possibly even wear again. But if anyone has a costume party to go to in the near future, let me know (or HMU, as the kids say)--I'll even throw in the blue wig and glasses.
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