Saturday, January 12, 2013

Day 18--The 1%

The astute reader might notice that although the days for these entries are numbered (much like the lives of some of these sweaters), they don't necessarily always get posted in order.  As much as I try to preserve the integrity of this noble experiment, I am not Amy Adams and cannot always find the energy to sit down at the computer every night and pontificate about knitwear.  And, let's face it...some sweaters just do not inspire prose.  Take "today's" sweater (I'm going to pretend that I'm writing in real-time here...just go with it).  I have some sort of affinity for this sweater that I can't really explain.  All it takes is just one good memory in a particular sweater and then it gets permanent residence (if not bi-annual wearing) in my closet.  I recall that I wore this on my last day of student teaching and then went with my Dad to a (post-Michael Jordan) Bulls game.  While that may not sound like the stuff that dreams are made of, I always enjoy going to games with my Dad...even more so when I'm debuting a new sweater that I recalled keeping me warm and cozy in the always chilly United Center. But the mind can play tricks on a girl, so it's about time this late 90s Express sweater was submitted to the rigors of the judging panel to see if it has really earned a place, not just in my nostalgia, but also in my closet.

Do you know that odd-feeling "fabric" that the tops of Christmas stockings from stores like CVS and Walgreen's are made from? It's kind of like felt, but stiff and synthetic feeling, and definitely not soft to the touch.  That's a bit like the feel of this sweater.  Although it fit fairly well, the yarn barely stretched when I pulled it over my head, and when you tug on the sleeves or the rest of the sweater, nothing moved. It probably feels a lot like those garments they make out of "unconventional materials" on Project Runway...although I'm guessing that this is slightly more comfortable than that dress made out of bird seed. Perhaps that's what comprises the 1% "other fibers" on the tag.

I will say that it kept me quite warm during classes at the rink (almost too warm...must be that acrylic/polyester/cotton combo), but I certainly did not parade around the lobby without my coat on, in the hopes of receiving any glowing reviews for my apparel.  Despite some fond memories in this sweater (or were the memories fond despite this sweater?), I'm afraid this one must be passed to another recipient.

My rating: Carson Daly.  Although his late 90s dominance provided all of us with some great TRL moments (ladies and gentlemen: Mariah Carey's meltdown), he is coasting on our collective unconscious of him.  He is not particularly attractive (a tan v-neck...whoopee!), nor is this sweater's ability to provide warmth worth the nuisance of its utter lack of give.  Also, he lost too much weight over the years and now his boyish charm has given way to a sunken face but an inflated ego.  Dad, I had a great time wearing this sweater at that Bulls game...but I think it was the event and not this minor offering from Express that is the source of my nostalgia. "Dropping 20 places and coming in at number 13 on the countdown...the tan acrylic/polyester/cotton and mystery fiber v-neck."

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